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Spiele in der Villa Stucki

davon gespielt: 2024
Archiv: Total - 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 , 2015 , 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999

geld.jpgMitspielen kostet nix! Die Kosten für die Raummiete werden von den regelmässigen Spielern und von spendablen Gastspielern getragen.

From All Sides

Mission Briefing

„Well, we never expected this to be easy…“ one of the Rebel pilots groans as he points out approaching Imperial troops on the scanner. You rush to your family and friends, ensuring that they're well into the process of boarding the convoy, before seizing your weapons and moving to defend your position.
As you move out into the twin sunlight, a shadow passes overhead and you look up to see Jabba's ship, the Khetanna, making its landing nearby.
The same pilot hails you on your comlink: „You guys sure know how to make friends around here…“

  • Imperial figures cannot deploy to interior spaces. Scum figures cannot deploy to exterior spaces.
  • Each time a hero performs a rest, increase ia_icon_threat.jpgby 2. After Round 4, heroes cannot recover ia_icon_damage.jpgwhile performing a rest.
  • Rebel mission tokens represent medpacks. During his activation, a hero on or adjacent to a medpack can discard that medpack and test ia_icon_insight.jpgto recover 6 ia_icon_strain.jpgplus 1 ia_icon_strain.jpgfor each success.
  • Doors are locked. A door adjacent to a Rebel figure does not block his movement, line of sight, adjacency, or counting spaces. An Imperial figure can attack a door (Health: 10, Defense: 2).
  • The mission ends at the end of Round 5 (ia_icon_rebellion.jpg), or when there are no healthy heroes on the Hangar.
  • Rebels deploy to any spaces on the Hangar.




The Rebels won the following units as allies and can choose to bring ONE ally (deployment card) to the mission:

alliance_ranger.jpg rebel_trooper.jpg rebell_saboteur.jpg

imperialassault/jabbasrealm/missions/from_all_sides.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 23.07.2018 06:47 (Externe Bearbeitung)